About Us
Inclusive education is a crucial tenet of a well-functioning and robust society that is made stronger with diversity. It empowers learners of all abilities by unlocking their potential to develop, thrive, and achieve their aspirations in a complex world.
Following this belief, Kindle Garden was founded in 2016 with Lien Foundation’s support, and transformed the early childhood space as Singapore’s first inclusive preschool.
Our Kindling Story
Since its inception, Kindle Garden has continously sought to shape young hearts and minds with high-quality early childhood experiences so that our children cultivate a natural love for learning and for others.
Through specially tailored learning plans and purpose-built spaces to maximise each child’s ability, our team ensures that every Kindler learns at their preferred pace, and that they retain the very best from their education whilst being challenged to explore new things.

Our Vision
Kindling resilient hearts and minds for a brighter world
Our Mission
We nuture conscientious, compassionate, and confident Kindlers through personalised learning, collaboration, and purpose-built spaces.
From the documentary of Childhood Elsewhere