At Kindle Garden, we believe each child’s journey is unique given their diverse talents. Every child has the freedom to develop, learn and grow with personalised learning plans.
Children are equipped with relevant knowledge and skills that prepare them for the world
We continuously innovate methods and activities to enhance learning
Children are nurtured in a natural, accessible environment designed to support their needs
We work with parents and professionals to celebrate and develop young learners of diverse abilities
Children have an active say in their own learning through project work and dedicated learning spaces
Children are meaningfully engaged through active participation in a safe and conducive environment
Our Pedagogy
We build and adopt evidence-based practices, which are aligned to early childhood principles to prepare our children for learning at every age.
Personalised Learning
We recognise that each child is unique, and we design individualised learning plans and activities to support different learning styles, strengths and interests. We do so in a safe and conducive environment and adopt various instructional strategies and teaching materials.
Low Teacher-Child Ratio
We provide individualised care and dedicated guidance without compromising on the quality of education through small groups.
Many Hands Approach
We leverage on a unique team of professionals and therapists to work closely with parents throughout each child’s journey in Kindle Garden.

At Kindle Garden, we support the holistic development of each child during their formative and crucial years of development by:

Utilising a myriad of effective and current resources

Shaping an interactive and fluid learning environment through reviewing current practices and active innovation

Pegging our curriculum to external frameworks and guidelines

Ensuring that activities are tailored and well-planned according to the functional needs of our children